Take your dance skills to new heights with our tumbling program
Looking to elevate your dance game? Our tumbling program is the perfect complement to your dance training! More and more you will find gymnastics skills in dance and dance skills in gymnastics.
Our tumbling classes will focus on mastering a wide range of skills, proper form, conditioning, increasing flexibility and dexterity all while challenging each student personally for continued growth. Class sizes will be limited to assure personal attention and instruction.
Tumbling classes are a great way for kids to learn and develop their acrobatic skills in a fun and supportive environment. To ensure that each child is learning at an appropriate level, tumbling classes are often divided by both age and ability.
Classes are offered in 8 week seasons Fall/Winter/Spring and offered once in the Summer meeting 6 times per session, $15 reg fee assessed only once per year (no reg fee for Summer Tumbling), minimum of 4 students must be enrolled for class to be held.
Summer 2024: See Summer Tumbling page.
Fall 2024: Wednesdays: Oct. 9th, 23rd, 30th, Nov. 6th, 13th, 20th (6 weeks for Fall 2024 only - Coach is having a medical procedure)
Winter 2024-2025: Wednesdays: Dec. 4th, 11th, Jan. 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, Feb. 5th, 12th
Spring 2025: Wednesdays: Mar. 5th, 12th, 26th, Apr. 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th
Ages 4-18
Wednesdays: 6:00-7:00 PM
- Fall: $130/6 sessions
- Winter/Spring: $145/8 sessions​
This is a beginner level class for students 5.5 yrs and older. At this level, we will work on forward and backward rolls along with the basics of a cartwheel, handstand, bridge, and more.
To advance, students must be proficient at the following skills:
Level 1A: forward roll, backward roll on wedge, straddle forward roll
Ages 5.5-18
Wednesdays: 7:00-8:00 PM
- Fall: $130/6 sessions
- Winter/Spring: $145/8 sessions​
Students at this level should be proficient at all Level 1A skills. We will continue to work round offs, handstand to bridge, back bends, kick over from bridge, headstands, front limbers, leaps, jumps, turns, splits, handstand roll down, one hand cartwheels and more.
To advance, students must be proficient at all Level 1 skills as well as:
Level 2B: push up bridge from floor, handstand, cartwheel
Level 2A: handstand roll down on wedge, backward roll on floor, back straddle roll
Ages 5.5-18
Wednesdays: 8:00-9:00 PM​
- Fall: $140/6 sessions
- Winter/Spring: $155/8 sessions​
Students at this level should be proficient at all Level 1A, Level 2B, & Level 2A skills. Taught at this level will be handstand roll down, front and back walkovers, straddle to handstand, back handspring w/wedge, round off rebounds, whip cartwheels, front handspring, dive rolls, elbow stands and more.
To advance, students must be proficient at all Level 1 & Level 2 skills as well as:
Level 3B: backbend, handstand to bridge, kickover from bridge OR pull-up from bridge
Level 3A: whip cartwheel, close to having both kickover from bridge AND pull-up from bridge
Ages 5.5-18
Wednesdays: 4:00-5:15 PM
- Fall: $140/6 sessions
- Winter/Spring: $155/8 sessions​
Students at this level should be proficient at all Level 1A/2B/2A/3B/3A skills. We will focus on back handsprings, back walkovers from floor, aerials, combining skills together, one handed front walk over, handstand pirouette, as well as oversplits and conditioning.
To advance, students must be proficient at all Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 skills as well as...
4B: kickover and pull-up from bridge consistently
4A: front and back walkover consistently, handstand roll down to floor
All hair MUST be secured up (pony tail or bun). This is for the students safety.
Either a leotard (preferred) or tight clothing that will not ride up is required attire. This is also for the students safety.
Our goal will be to work all techniques/skills listed with each level. However, teachers will determine if the student is ready to be introduced to a specific skill/technique.
At the end of each season, teachers will send an evaluation home with your tumbler with a recommendation as to which level they should proceed in. Please note that it takes more than one season to master the skills at each level. Students should plan on being at a level for several seasons.
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